The Beginning

So we moved to suburbia one year ago. We bought a house on a wooded acre. My immediate thought was “hey, we can totally sustain ourselves on this”. We are a nature loving family that is used to gardening, albeit on a much smaller scale. We are eco-friendly, recycling, water bottle carrying, cloth diapering, do-it-yourself kind of people. We’re frugal. And so we begin. I read some books on homesteading. I realized that I know very little about any of this. What I do know is that in the future we will need to rely more fully on ourselves, our land and our neighbors. I know that my children deserve a more slow paced,natural upbringing. I know that I just plain feel better when I bake a loaf of bread instead of buying one. I also know how challenging it can be to make from scratch or tend a garden when living in a two-earner household with two young children. We’re going to give it a go. And so we begin.