Tuesday Crafternoon: Channeling my Grandma

Falling leaves have given inspiration to people for hundreds of years and every year when my lawn is becoming covered I am reminded of my Grandma Kit. I have fond memories of collecting colorful fallen leaves and bringing the huge (as it is remembered by my tiny self) tin of crayons up to the kitchen counter. I vividly recall the tiny pieces of shaved crayons as I sprinkled them over the leaves and then watching the “magic” of them melting under the warm iron.

So it was last Tuesday when I got the children home and we went for a leaf walk. Their curiosity as I shaved their old crayons (Mama what are you DOING?) was uplifting. They expressed themselves through their design of the window hanging and watched, as I did years ago, at the “magic” of the warm iron melting the colors together.

To complete this project you will need:
Wax paper
Bits of shaved crayons ( I use a knife)
Iron and towel
Lay a piece of wax paper down on a towel and place leaves. Sprinkle crayon bits all over. Place another wax paper on top and using a warm iron gently seal the wax papers together and melt the crayons within the sheets. Hang as you see fit!

Health and Happiness,

One Comment on “Tuesday Crafternoon: Channeling my Grandma

  1. I have such awesome memories of making these every fall with you and Gram. I'm so glad the kids could experience a little bit of her too! Looks like they loved it.