Been gone too long

A million excuses.  I have them all.  I’m simply going to say “working mom of two young children with a one hour commute” and hope that covers it.  I miss writing and documenting about my family and our adventures and the garden.  Sadly, I just haven’t been able to make it a priority when I’ve been sleep deprived and (lately) computerless.  Okay blog, lets get to know each other again…

The kids are awesome.  They are funny and sweet and curious and inventive.  Bean is off to kindergarten in September and our family is reevaluating my work situation.  It is scary to think of going to one income, but I’m thinking the amount of stress in our lives may diminish a bit.  Doodle is turning into a big boy with his using the potty and becoming a character.  He is hilarious and I’m looking forward to spending more time with him.
We’ve just had a relaxing vacation in Vermont with lots of hiking and biking and swimming and me and the hubby getting some time together again.  It’s amazing how spending an evening playing cards and talking brought us back to feeling like a couple again ( you know, like before we had those crazy kids).
The garden is amazing.  Hubby did a great job defending it from critters and we came home from vacation to a bountiful harvest.  I finally grew real carrots that weren’t deformed or tiny.  The tomatoes are going nuts.  I can’t grow spinach to save my life.
I’ve learned how to bake bread daily thanks to a new (to me) cookbook, Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day.  The family loves it.  We have been a paper towel free home for a year.  Seriously, I haven’t bought a roll in 12 months.  Little challenges.  Little victories.
Here’s to the next little challenge.  See you tomorrow.
Health & Happiness,