Narwhal~ Unicorn of the Sea (a Kid’s Shelf Review)

Reading books together is one of the ways that we work on having a strong family.  It gives us a common bond as well as mental and physical (cuddles!) time together.  Yesterday the kids and I got a chance to download and read this book before…

Library Log #1- The Adult Shelf

My all time favorite simple pleasure is reading.  Fiction, non-fiction, young adult, mystery, I’m pretty much open to it all.  I see nothing wrong with sitting for hours and getting lost in a book (not that I get to do it very often with…

Library Log #1

As we settle back into routine after the holidays (and recent snow days), I find that the children and I have also settled back into a favorite activity: enjoying books together.  I’m a reader and always have been and so I have the expectation…