Kids packing themselves. Wait, what?!?

Yes, you read that correctly.  After about a year of practice, the kids finally successfully packed themselves for an overnight.  I’m ready to declare this a parenting win. I mean, they needed a list, but other than that it was out-of-my-hands. As a family,…

Narwhal~ Unicorn of the Sea (a Kid’s Shelf Review)

Reading books together is one of the ways that we work on having a strong family.  It gives us a common bond as well as mental and physical (cuddles!) time together.  Yesterday the kids and I got a chance to download and read this book before…

My Fitness Story (Part 2)

If you haven’t caught up on the beginning of my story, you can do so over here. Because this is the part of the story where real change happens.  And it was scary for me. I had tried to do other fitness programs and workout…

Games the Kids Play (and you should too!)

“Mom, will you play ____ with me?”  “Mama, let’s play _____”.  “Mama, how about we play _____”.  No matter how they phrase it, the kids always want to play with you. How many times do you say, “Sure, I’d love to!”… Answer honestly. In…