DIY Advent Calendar

Tired of buying advent calendars with tiny chocolates in them every year?  Me too.  Not quite ambitious or crafty enough to create one of those elaborate 24 envelope or 24 boxes advent calendars that are all over Pinterest?  Me either.  Here’s my in-between. Grab…

Games the Kids Play (and you should too!)

“Mom, will you play ____ with me?”  “Mama, let’s play _____”.  “Mama, how about we play _____”.  No matter how they phrase it, the kids always want to play with you. How many times do you say, “Sure, I’d love to!”… Answer honestly. In…

Kale and Sweet Potato Salad

It’s Fall in New England and the eating is…not easy.  My body brain keeps telling me to cook and eat fattening comfort foods.  I’m desperately trying not to listen to it, because my body knows that it doesn’t need it. There are some great comfort…

Eggplant Casserole

Ahh, the eggplant casserole. This is my life:  I’m not a measuring type of cook, I tend to think of recipes as a guideline, not a rule. And this time it got me. This is last year’s eggplant casserole. It was sooo yummy.  …

Where Did All the Veggies Go?

Ahh, Community Supported Agriculture.  It is a beautiful arrangement in which we pay ahead for a bounty of produce to be delivered to us at a later date by a farmer who has worked incredibly hard to grow it.  The money we provide allows…

3 Steps to Clear Your Fridge (and Simplify the Kitchen)

We just came back from a long weekend road trip and as I opened my weary eyes yesterday morning and trudged downstairs I realized that my kitchen management has been lacking.  Oh, and paired with the sun shining and birds singing I brutally realized…

Library Log #2

Ahh, as sunlight streams through the window over the snow piled up outside I feel as though spring might truly be on its way.  Just like the birds happily chirping to greet the newly warm day, a fresh start may be in order for…

The Family that _______s Together

It’s Family Meeting Time, It’s Family Meeting Time…Family Meeting?  Why should we have a Family Meeting, you say?  We thought the same thing not so long ago.  But now that we’ve started, we’re never stopping and here are our reasons. We actually tried to…

Library Log #1- The Adult Shelf

My all time favorite simple pleasure is reading.  Fiction, non-fiction, young adult, mystery, I’m pretty much open to it all.  I see nothing wrong with sitting for hours and getting lost in a book (not that I get to do it very often with…

Library Log #1

As we settle back into routine after the holidays (and recent snow days), I find that the children and I have also settled back into a favorite activity: enjoying books together.  I’m a reader and always have been and so I have the expectation…